This article says they are. I read this at the beginning of this second half of the semester and I thought I posted but didn't so here it is. Even if a white person isn't born with a silver spoon in hand, being white still allows for privileges to allow success. Yes work is involved but it is still easier!
Very interesting read.
Great article. Economic resources, of lack thereof, doesn't determine racial privilege--it is those unearned assets that goes with, for example, skin color. Privileges are attached to racial identity, conceptually, without any other information about that person. A poor white person may not have class privilege but they do have racial privilege, whether they use it or not. That is why privilege, as a concept and process, is so hard for people to understand--it is not that they cannot understand it intellectually but because their day-to-day experiences have such a dearth of any advantages or assets that it is hard to recognize an "unearned asset."