Friday, May 13, 2016

Breaking into Ballet

“Ballet has long been the province of the white and wealthy” (Copeland, pg.1).  Ballet is a great example of how some sports today, are still very difficult for members of different races to break into.  Beyond skin color, one must achieve and maintain the traditional physique that is expected of a ballerina.  One must also be able to afford the hefty price tags associated with training and equipment.  The combination of the physical and economic requirements in ballet, create a barrier that prevents people from diverse backgrounds and physical builds from entering the ballet world.

Misty Copeland is making waves in the ballet world.  She is one of the first African American ballerinas to successful break onto the professional scene.  As a result, she has had to push back against every obstacle thrown her way.  She worries about “what the ballet world thinks about [her]” and “whether [she] will ever be accepted and seen as a well-rounded artist deserving of respect” rather than just as “the black ballerina” (Copeland, pg. 1).  Copeland hopes that her claim to fame will not be simply the color of her skin, but rather her mastery of the art.  Her presence in the ballet world is changing the standards for the sport and opening new doors for greater diversity in ballet in the future.  However, Copeland finds herself in the position of feeling like she has to prove that her ability can speak for itself.

This speaks to the privilege that white dancers have in ballet.  They do not need to justify their presence on a stage as tied to their ability.  The stigma that can be created around the illusion of being given a pass due to racial backgrounds, can be extremely discouraging and ward off further participation of nonwhite dancers.  Copeland argues that this pushes her to work as hard as she can to prove her place.  She feels that she has to make sure that she is the best, or she will be casted aside.

Copeland, M. Ballet Star Misty Copeland Talks Overcoming Racism and Body Shaming on Her Way to the Top. Teen Vogue. Retrieved from

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