Monday, April 11, 2016

Diversity Training Needed in Workplace

In a recent article by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) it was brought up that workplace racism still exists even in today's day and age. Because of this, companies are beginning to implement diversity training through the Human Resource department. "Covering the broad scope of a respectful environment that encourages diverse thinking and acceptance will increase the chances that these training sessions will strike a chord [in regards to diversity]" (Smith 1). The article reveals that racial discrimination is still a major issue in the workplace, and although this is true, many companies are trying their best to solve this issue. Although racial discrimination is occurring, it seems that none of these organizations want it to occur. Through the HR department & implementing training, I believe that these issues can be resolved. 

Click Here for Article


Smith, Allen. "Workplace Racism Persists, Diversity Training Needed." SHRM. SHRM, 25 Aug. 2014. Web. 11 Apr. 2016.


  1. I agree that setting new standards and creating new training programs through HR departments can play a major role in eliminating racism in the workplace. Making people more aware of microagressions and other examples of racism in the workplace will have a big impact. Creating awareness through training is a great first step for companies to take.

  2. I agree that there must be workplace efforts but diversity training in the workplace has been going on for decades and it does not seem to work. I wonder if HR models are too careful and hide some of the harder issues. E.g., we can all identify the language of a micro-aggression but how do we step out of our safe circle and call someone on it when we hear it? That is really hard and most diversity models that I have seen do not help us with that
