Sunday, April 10, 2016

During this presidential campaign Clinton and Sanders talk about white privilege without "saying" the word. It proves that the privilege is there but we still dance around the topic because no one really wants to admit that in 2016 there still is racism.


Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton Talk About ‘White Privilege’ At Democratic Debate But Fear Using The Two Words. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2016, from 


  1. I wonder if there is a similar article about the Republican nominees. I suspect, but certainly don't know for sure, that Clinton and Sanders come closer to understanding their racial privilege than the Republican canidates?

  2. Based on Donald Trump's belief that his rise to wealth is based on his own hard work (with only a faint acknowledgment of his father giving him a "small" million dollar loan), I don't think there would be much recognition on his part that he has benefited from his status as a white man. In the following post, writer Cynthia Dill argues that the free media that Trump gets is largely based on his white (male) privilege and that the anger of his supporters is based on the fear that their white male privilege is being diminished:
