Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Muslims for Trump have a message and it’s not what you think.

Posted April 13th this video is a must-watch whether you support Sanders, Trump, or Kim Kardashian. Keep in mind the video uses emotional stimulation and psychological triggers, but there is still an important message behind all of that.
               The reason why Trump is gathering so many supporters is because Americans are sick of being taken advantage of. While we work our tails off in a college we’re overpaying for, to get jobs which underpay us, our money is being taken from us and spent on foreign wars in order to make politicians and billionaires like Trump even richer. Americans seem to believe Trump is above the politicians because he doesn’t take donations or need lobbyists, but it’s only because he has the money himself. The 400 Americans who possess the majority of the nation’s wealth are destroying the country, and Trump is the embodiment of that 1%. ‘Make America Great Again’ resonates within so many of us, but Trump isn’t the answer. Building a wall isn’t the answer. “If we want to make America great again, we have to do it by caring about each other as much as we care about ourselves.” Socialism isn’t the answer either, it is a recipe for disaster, but it is time the citizens of the country came together, apart from politics and the media dramatics, and decided what is actually best for us.
Mexicans are not our enemies. The reason why so many of them are coming to America is because of free trade agreements which have destroyed their economy. Our war on drugs in Mexico has killed more civilians than the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan combined. We’ve been conditioned to fear radical Islam’s, but you’re more likely to be crushed by your furniture than to be killed by an Islamic terrorist. Yes, Chinese are coming and taking our jobs but it’s because so many of America’s huge corporations are going overseas to avoid paying taxes here and chase higher profits. Our misplaced anger is being directed to people who are just like us. Whether Mexican, Asian, African, white, black, or green, what we all have in common is that we all want what’s best for ourselves and our families. It goes back to age-old morals and values. As our generation grows up, many of us will be having kids within the next 8 years. We need to take a step back and ask ourselves. Is Trump the kind of man we want our kids to aspire to grow up and be like? It seems that he stands for the opposite of almost everything I’ve ever learned about being a good man. After we neglect kindness and morality, wisdom and intelligence will be soon to follow, and without wisdom our country is doomed.


  1. Trump has created mass followers for his hatred and sees success from it. People have followed him because they believe that what he says is what people think and are scared to speak about. This is an embarrassment to the way America is seen to foreign countries. The way that he handles himself shows that he has no ethics as president or more importantly, an American. Hopefully, he will continue to be exposed. The way he speaks about woman, Mexicans, and Muslims has been humiliating for himself and America.

  2. Many also support Trump for the declining influence of the Republican Party. In any case, the man will be the G.O.P. representative despite his behavior and incitement to violence when he encouraged his supporters to, "punch out any protesters as he would pay the legal fees." There was even a petition (with over 100,000 signatures) on to arrest and prosecute Donald J. Trump for this very reason. In any case, this man has the potential to still be president, and that is what is truly frightening.

  3. One issue that gets lost in the discussions, if that is what you can call them, about the presidential candidates is the divisive language that some of the candidates use on purpose, and Mr. Trump is the obvious example, to reinforce the idea of "we" vs. "them." But really there is no "them," there is only a "we" We are African American, we are Mexican, we are Chinese, we are Muslim. we are Indigenous. The "we" in this case is the very idea of the United States. The US is an idea and we are the basis of that idea. So there is no such thing as "our" jobs that does not include Chinese or Mexicans or any other population but as long as we continue to believe people who talk about "them" taking "our" jobs (as an example) then people like Mr. Trump will continue to exploit that tension and fear. When Mr. Trump continues to talk in those terms, the tension and fear are reinforced. I hope, really hope, that if someone reading this blog and comments supports Mr. Trump, that you will talk to us why you do. Comments can be posted anonymously

  4. What's most troubling to me I think is the fact that hundreds of thousands of citizens in our country are standing up and following this man like it's some sort of a revolution or like Trump is a savior of the country. It truly unnerves me to know that people I love so dearly will so easily brush aside their sense of right and wrong in the hopes to see our country a little more profitable. Clearly, as a nation, we have lost our sense of self. I'm afraid the people of this country are lost as well. The truth is, our government has committed heinous acts of discrimination in the past, like the Trail of Tears, the Japanese internment camps, and especially slavery. But I think its even more troubling that in a world today where these racial discrimination issues are so universally expressed and defended that there are still so many people who are so quick to blame others for their own problems just because they are different. It just doesn't really make sense to me and I wish someone would help explain it. Trump supporters are Americans who love their country, just like me, so how do such different solutions come from such a similar perspective?
