Sunday, May 1, 2016

In Class Presentation - Where Are All the Black Women?

On Thursday April 28th, 2016, three young Bryant University students presented an outstanding video to the Race & Ethnicity class. These three women, Charde Hunt, Desire Marshall, and Christina Watts, all three who are African American women, spoke out on the constraints that occur when being both African American and a woman. By starring in this video "Black Woman," these three young ladies spoke with passion, intellect, and strength, revealing why it can be conflicting at times to be both a lady and darker skinned. Though these women have such strength in the video, they also reveal soft emotion which reflects their hardships. The video speaks for itself and all three women did an outstanding job both in the video and in the presentation on Thursday. The video is listed below:

Click Here for Video "Black Women"


  1. I would ask us all to think why we focus on the emotional tone or the "lack of anger"? What kind of response might we have had to the video if the three women had expressed more anger? Just something to think about

    1. I think if the video showed more anger it would make people view it as the stereotypical "mad black women". But like the Tyler Perry movie there is a objective to it. In his movie she was angry but determined to not fall into that stereotype and mad great decisions for her life. In your video your group wants, no needs to be heard! It is bad enough that the black men are just thought about for 28 days of the year, the month of February, where are all the the Black women in history? Can we get another month?

  2. I love that (and hate it too of course0, can we get another month?
