Monday, April 25, 2016

Cam Newton Success Drives Negativity

“Cam Newton Dances Around End Zones, Not Around Matters of Racism” speaks about the way Cam Newton was portrayed by the media and in the sports world for his outlandish acts and constant celebration after touchdown dances. As football becomes more diverse, American views become less close minded. Some Americans see the threat of a “young, successful black man celebrating through culturally relevant means” as Jonathan Jones describes it. In this generation, no matter how successful and how well someone does in the athletic and academic world, they are viewed and judged based on their race. It is very unsettling to see that just because a black man is seeing success, he must judged by the color of his skin and not the content of his character.

As we continue to approach a generation full of judgement, we have to understand the effects that athletes can make in the society. Athletes have the opportunity to change the world because they are seen as role models. Cam Newton, someone who does great things for the community and the field, will continue to be judged but handles it like a professional. Newton ignores the racist remarks and chooses to use them as fuel in order to see successes on the field. He is a great role model in the sense that he shows people the right way to handle racist remarks and judgement. The sports world will continue to be racist unless a new generation helps to change views past down by the elder.

Rhoden, W. C. (2016, January 29). Cam Newton Dances Around End Zones, Not Around Matters of Racism. Retrieved April 25, 2016, from and Ethnicity

1 comment:

  1. I used this article for one of my ripped from the headlines and i thought it was a great article!!!! I think its crazy to think because hes a black man celebrating success, racism is brought up. I remember one article i read about this brought up Tom Brady and how different they are portrayed yet they have both been very successful when it comes to football. Its sad that there is racism in every aspect of the world today.
