Monday, May 9, 2016

Racial Profiling History and Manifestation

The issue of racial profiling is not a recent problem, in fact racial profiling dates back to the 1700's. Racial profiling is rooted in stereotypes and assumptions that have been projected upon entire races. Racial profiling is the use of race, ethnicity, or national origin by law enforcement as a factor in deciding whom to investigate, arrest, and detain.
In 1704 South Carolina founded the slave patrol. In this patrol white men policed black slaves on plantations and hunted for escaped slaves. Black people had to show passes to prove they had permission to be off the plantation, or they had to carry freedom papers if they were freed slaves. Black people were the targets of interrogation and harassment by white patrols. Like in modern day racial profiling it is the color of a persons skin that makes them subject to discriminatory treatment,not their actions. After slavery black men were forced into convict leasing through the black codes. Convict leasing meant that criminals would be leased to work on plantations or private corporations without pay for the duration of their sentences, The black codes targeted black people to control black populations and through numerous laws forced blacks back into forced labor. 
The current incarnation of these same discriminatory policies are taking place through The War on Drugs. This war places increased scrutiny on black and urban neighborhoods for anti-drug efforts, despite the fact that whites and blacks use drugs at similar rates. 
the historical and present day policies of discrimination occur through acts of racial profiling for the purpose of racial subjugation and control. 

Rushing, K. (March 1, 2013). Dissecting the Long, Deep Roots of Racial Profiling in America. Retrieved from

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